PoolTogether is a decentralized protocol that relies on a governance mechanism to create and approve proposals.

To see the current proposals and participate in the governance visit https://vote.pooltogether.com/ and connect your wallet.

Once connected you should see your POOL token balance. (Read here about the POOL token What is the POOL token )


If you scroll down the page you should see a list of active proposals and past proposals.

By clicking on a proposal you'll be able to see the details and the current votes progression.


Activate my votes

In order to vote, you need to activate your votes.

You can do so by clicking on Activate my votes just below your POOL balance.


This will require you to confirm a transaction in your wallet.

After your transaction has been processed you'll be able to vote for any future proposals but not for the current ones.

This is done to protect the fairness of the current proposal.

If you don't feel like voting for every proposal you can delegate your POOL voting power to someone else that would represent you.

Read more about vote delegation here: ‣