The Protocol Team's role is to ensure that prize pools run smoothly.



Role Details

PoolTogether prize pools require on-going management. This includes:

  1. Ensuring prize pools are rewarded on time
  2. Ensuring pod deposit batches occur regularly
  3. Ensuring Prize Strategies that use the Chainlink RNG are stocked with LINK tokens.


USDC Sponsorship token: 0x391a437196c81eea7bbbbd5ed4df6b49de4f5c96


Once per month, a team member will run through the jobs and setup the transactions. Each month a different team member will perform the job.

The team member who is executing for that month should:

  1. Pull from Sablier
  2. Pull say $5k directly into their wallet (if a top-up is needed)
  3. Withdraw from the USDC prize pool to get USDC tokens that will be used to buy LINK or any other tokens necessary for operation